| The Minneapolis Police Department has issued a Crime Alert concerning a series of residential burglaries in the Marcy Holmes and Como Neighborhoods. In each case, residents were home when the burglary occurred, and University of Minnesota students were victims in three of the four incidents. Residents are encouraged to take extra caution.
On Wednesday, December 21 four residential burglaries occurred during the daylight or early evening hours: • In the 1100 block of 5th Street SE between 10:40 – 10:45 a.m. (MPD case 11-377800)
• In the 800 block of 15th Avenue SE between 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. (MPD case 11-378245)
• In the 600 block of 15th Avenue SE around 6:00 p.m. (MPD case 11-378479)
• In the 1300 block of 6th Street SE between 6:00 p.m. and 6:54 p.m. (MPD case 11-378281) The suspect is described as a black male, approximately 30 years old, between five feet nine inches and six feet two inches tall with a medium build, wearing a hip length, tan, puffy coat. The suspect entered the homes through an unlocked door. In one incident the suspect was scared off when the outside lights were turned on.
Minneapolis Police encourage residents to take the following precautions:
• Install good locks and use them. Lock the door if you are at home and if you are gone even for a few minutes.
• Make your home look (and sound) occupied. If you leave for the evening, leave on a light and a radio.
• Turn on exterior lights at night.
• Don't open your door to anyone without business inside.
• Meet your neighbors, so you can watch out for each other.
• Contact the 2nd Precinct to conduct a free Home Security Survey.
• Call 911 to report any suspicious activity. This includes strangers walking down your alley and looking in garages, loitering, or vehicles circling the block with occupants you don't recognize. For more information, contact the 2nd Precinct’s Crime Prevention Specialist, Nicholas Juarez at (612) 673-2797.
This Crime Alert is sent in compliance with the federal Clery Act which requires universities to alert the campus community of crimes that may pose an ongoing threat to students and employees. For updates on any developments in this case, please visit the Crime Alerts page on the UMPD website.
For more on campus safety and security, and for a list of campus safety resources available to you, visit the University's Safety and Security Web site.
This message was sent by the University Police Chief Greg Hestness to all Twin Cities students, faculty, and staff. |